Storage and preservation

Once classified in its corresponding tanks, the oil is left to decant naturally for around 15 days, after which we will filter all the oil, in order to prevent the tanks being drained, as they are not perfect and in this way prevent the possible decanted dampness and impurities from causing a negative effect in the oil’s development during the rest of the year. They are immediately decanted and stored in tanks that have been rendered inert using nitrogen, at a controlled temperature in the cellar itself between 18º - 20º, ready for immediate bottling, in order that their qualities, both chemical and above all organoleptic, remain unaltered during an entire year.


A new way of understanding the olive juice.

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The harvest

One of the most important aspects.

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The field to the mill in just 2 hours.

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Storage and preservation

Once classified in its corresponding tanks, the oil is left to decant naturally for around 15 days, after which we will filter all the oil, in order to prevent the tanks being drained, as they are not perfect and in this way prevent the possible decanted dampness and impurities from causing a negative effect in the oil’s development during the rest of the year. They are immediately decanted and stored in tanks that have been rendered inert using nitrogen, at a controlled temperature in the cellar itself between 18º - 20º, ready for immediate bottling, in order that their qualities, both chemical and above all organoleptic, remain unaltered during an entire year.